Jacob Martin

Jacob Martin



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Jacob is a Principal at Cohen Hamilton Steger & Co. with significant experience providing expert services in litigation proceedings across a broad range of industries.  Jacob’s practice has been exclusively focused on damages quantification, business valuations, and forensic accounting matters since 2015.  Jacob has prepared and assisted in preparing expert reports and affidavits for trial proceedings in a wide array of complex matters.

Jacob is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) and Chartered Business Valuator (CBV).  He was the 2017 recipient of the George Ovens Award for achieving the highest mark in Canada on the CICBV Membership Qualification Examination (MQE) and also placed on the National Honour Roll for the 2013 Uniform Evaluation Examination (UFE) for Chartered Accountants (now CPA) in Canada.   Prior to joining CHS, Jacob worked at a Big 4 accounting firm where he audited publicly-traded and privately-owned companies.

Jacob has authored articles and is a frequent speaker on business valuation and damages quantification.  Jacob also serves on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Expropriation Association (OEA).



Education & Credentials

  • CBV | 2017, Chartered Business Valuator
  • CPA | 2015, Chartered Professional Accountant
  • CA | 2015, Chartered Accountant
  • B.Comm. | 2012, Bachelor of Commerce, Queen’s University

Jacob's Cases